I have many friends in Bangalore,India where I was living since my birth. Know more about this excellent place on earth
in my next page. I have made some friends in Toronto,Canada now. My friends in India are Arun, Avinash, Anirudh,Sandeep,Vinay,Bharath,
Vivek,Vinoda and Prashanth
Some of my friends in Canada are Ahsen, Taimur, Yichen and Sam. They went to my elementary
school. I am still keep in touch by phone and e-mail.
Indian friends
Arun is my best friend.When I was leaving India, I had even created a mail ID in yahoo for him so we could keep in touch.
Anirudh was also a good friend. He always wanted to score higher marks than me in all the tests. So he was asking, "How
do you study?", "What time will I start studying?" etc. Sandeep is a very bright boy. one day, He fell down
from the stairs in my school and broke his leg. From that day, He couldn't come to school for one year. Even though he missed
school, he managed to write the exam and he got more than 85%!!! He is a good friend. He is still in touch with me through
E-Mail. i have many other good friends like Vinay, Avinash, Bharath who keep in touch with me through E-Mail. Even though
they don't have a computer at home, they go to the cyber cafe where you have to pay Rs.20 per hour.